Placenta encapsulation faq
What is the placenta?
The placenta is the only organ that grows itself that we are not born with yet passes itself. The placenta grows with your baby during pregnancy and is a spectacular support and life system for your baby, and you in many ways as well, although it grows mainly from your baby's cells.
What is Placentophagia?
The process of a mother consuming her placenta. The most common way is through encapsulation.
What are the benefits of encapsulation?
Preventing and lessening the risk of postpartum depression or ‘baby blues’. Replenishing your iron from blood loss during birth and to prevent post birth anemia. Lending you a consistent flow of oxytocin long after your birth euphoria ends. Providing the HPL hormone to help establish early and healthy milk supply. To stabilize your ever changing hormones post birth. To replenish your B vitamins and energy that were used during the labor and birthing process. Protection from infection and bleeding due to retained placenta tissue or membranes. Offer natural pain relief from the labor and birth of the baby.
How long do the capsules last?
Capsules do NOT last indefinitely in the freezer. I professionally package and wrap all of my items. Placenta capsules are intended for the postpartum period. A baseline description of storage and time (without details that come with your capsules and tincture) is, after one year, if you still have capsules left they should be moved into the freezer. After two years your capsules should not be consumed. If you are coming up on two years and want to make a tincture I can do that for you. If you know before hand that you want the long term benefits of a tincture but you feel that the two ounce bottle is not enough I am more than happy to make a plan that works exactly with your needs.
How do I choose a specialist or doula since there are so many offering similar services?
First and foremost, follow your mommy heart. See who you jive with the best. Secondly, evaluate the education and training of your birth professional selections. Ask as many questions as you need, and once it clicks-you will know:)
What is third stage labor and delayed cord clamping?
Third stage labor is the birth of the placenta. In normal circumstances, if a mother is not having excessive bleeding, waiting for the placenta to be birthed on its own has optimal outcome. Encouraging the mother to breastfeed often and early after birth causes the uterus to involve, detaching the placenta naturally. In some circumstances (such as hemorrhage, placental abruption or retained placenta), the placenta may need gentle facilitating to be birthed. Following third stage labor is "breaking the bond". The most desirable ways are delayed cord clamping, cord burning, and lotus birth (encapsulation is still possible using this method, if you are interested please be sure to connect with me so that we can go over the process together). During delayed cord clamping It is recommended to wait at least 3-10 minutes before clamping a newborns umbilical cord. Instead of using a plastic clamp, umbilical string or tape is preferred. Waiting up to 3 hours has the most effective results for the newborn. The placenta is still functioning for the newborn, and even passes on cancer fighting T-Cells through the umbilical cord into the newborn post birth. Allowing time for the nutrient and stemcell rich blood to enter the newborns body ensures that the newborn with have the best possible start to a healthy, long life.
What if I live too far for your services?
If you're outside of my area of travel you have the option of being referred by me to a specialist in your area, or paying for shipping. If you would also rather pay shipping than your travel fee this is an option for you as well. If you're interested in shipping your placenta to me, please connect with me.
What is Raw vs TCM?
TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
For thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has recognized the placenta as powerful medicine used to increase scanty lactation and augment the Qi, life energy, after the birth. Translation? Dried placenta is used to bring the postpartum mother’s body back into balance, replenishing what was lost during childbirth.
Cooking the placenta is an integral part of the formation and action of the medicine. The placenta is gently steamed with herbs, sliced thin and dehydrated. It is then ground into a powder and put into capsules. In Traditional Chinese Medicine raw goods are generally considering cooling. Within the TCM framework, raw placenta is considered cooling and isn’t recommended as a general rule for the tonifying purposed of nourishing blood and restoring energy. You can also request I just steam the placenta without herbs, go about the heat component, and do the heated original method.
Raw Placenta Capsules
Some women prefer to skip the steaming process and have their placenta encapsulated raw. Enzymes are lost when food is heated above 118 degrees and it is possible that the hormonal content is also reduced when cooking. For these capsules, I gently clean and slice the placenta into tiny thin strips. These are dehydrated at a low heat until dry, ground into powder and encapsulated. Placenta that is dehydrated raw is a very different medicine than the TCM preparation. Women have called these capsules their “happy pills” and report phenomenal energy levels while taking them. Raw placenta is extremely high in hormones such as progesterone and oxytocin. This method is contradicted for women with anxiety or sleep concerns due to the nutrient and hormone dense capsule. Midwives have traditionally used fresh placenta to stop bleeding immediately postpartum by slicing off a piece of the maternal side and having the mother put this between her cheek and gums. The high hormone levels cause the uterus to close down and bleeding is diminished. Raw encapsulation yields about 20% more capsules than TCM.
How many capsules will I get and how long does the process take?
The average placenta yeilds 100-150 size 00 capsules. The entire process takes about fourteen, but up to twenty four hours total. I will deliver between one to three days of pick up.
Is this sanitary/can I get sick?
The risks of placenta encapsulation are few as long as your specialist is following strict safety, disinfecting, and sanitizing protocols-as well as understanding what the contraindications for consumption are. I can guarantee none that I have control over will happen. I am certified through an extensive twelve week program with Full Circle Placenta and involved in their ongoing education opportunities. I take this part of my practice very seriously because I know that many families have initial concerns when deciding on encapsulation. Almost every supply I use are all disposable and what is not I disinfect and sanitize before and after I practice-following strict OSHA blood borne pathogen, and health and food safety guidelines. Both of which were part of my specialist training. My workspace is also throughly disinfected and unaltered throughout the process. I wear scrubs or an apron, a mask, and gloves throughout the process. As well as label, professionally package, and seal every item delivered to you. I require that every client allows me to look at their blood panel to be sure of any contradictions to the method of encapsulation they choose as well as the safety. The information is always kept confidential. Being able to look at the blood panel gives me the chance to ensure safety for everyone who could be affected as well as choose the correct method of encapsulation for you. I offer a wide variety of services, including the raw method, which is why you may not hear of this requirement from other specialists.
I want to have delayed cord clamping, does this affect encapsulation?
No! Delayed cord clamping does not negatively affect the encapsulation process. I actually encourage my clients to become familiar with the procedure, and I give educational material during our initial meeting.
Can you encapsulate in my home?
Yes, there may be an additional fee for the extra time away. I prefer to encapsulate at my home so that everything is done in a more timely manner and so that I am out of your way, also full discretion of your choice to encapsulate is maintained. Please read this link on Location of Encapsulation to help make your decision.
Is this cannibalism?
In my opinion, no. Here is why...Cannibalism is the eating of human flesh. Flesh is defined as being muscle and fat; placenta is neither. Cannibalism, is consumption of the flesh of someone or something that has been recently killed. Placentas, do not qualify. Arguments against placentophagia state that we are not supposed to consume anything that comes from our own body. Except, we feed our infants milk produced from our breasts, which is perfectly designed for that purpose. So in my opinion, the placenta perfectly designed for consumption by the mother.
Do you have more photos of the process and services you provide?
Yes, my Facebook is the best place to see them! This is a great place to see the variation of prints I have done as well.
Do you have research backing up placentopagia?
Yes, please see Social Links and Research. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to connect with me.